100 Days Of Awe: Day Forty Eight – Micro Magic

Day 48: Micro Magic

IMAG4407I usually succumb to the vanity of having my hair cut and coloured twice or maybe three times a year but I dont often go for a change of look.  I pushed the envelope a couple of weeks ago going for a shorter look and a darker colour.  Well today I took it one step further.  A hairdresser in distress, crying out for a model – What’s a girl to do?  Well it was a no brainer.  My look is now a little shorter, a little sharper and to use hair dresser speak a little more ‘textured’.  That in itself was amazing enough but even more so was my commitment to heading off down to Fulham Road on my trusty steed (read bicycle) at, for me the ungodly hour, of 9am.

Not only was it early but I was running the gamut of arterial London there and back.  On my way home, at the junction of Warwick Road and High Street Kensington, I caught the a flare of wild unbridled orange out of the corner of my eye, the fragile skirts of four or five giant poppies being buffeted by May’s boisterous breeze.  I had to pull over and capture a photo or two.  Now I am using my HTC One S phone for my reportage; light and easy to carry, multi-functional and I am discovering at times capable of  magical results.  I have to take a plethora of shots, hoping that nature’s whim will not rock the focus of my attention as well as pushing my little camera to the limit of its ability to pick up micro details.  Oft times my experiments are unsuccessful and I cant properly tell until I download them onto a bigger screen.  Today I was blown away by the series of poppy shots; OMG, holey moley, Horton Hear’s A Who – I could feel my heart jumping into this minature world!  Who would believe it from a token flower bed to dress up a dreary urban junction.  This was my Friday magic for today

100 Days of Awe is a playful project I set up to bring my attention to awe in my daily life. I see awe as wonder, a mixture of amazement and respect.  I expect the experience of awe to be about perception shifting awareness and that demands a reframing of some sort.  I am excited to see what will awe me on this journey.

Anne K. Scott is an imagination technologist, her work to teach, facilitate and deliver innovation for individuals and business.  She is the creator of FindYourMojo iPHone app. If you are interested in what intuitive coaching can do for you please do contact me.  I support clients all over the world.

One thought on “100 Days Of Awe: Day Forty Eight – Micro Magic

  1. Pingback: 100 Days Of Awe: Day Fifty Five – My Trusty Steed | Anne K. Scott

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